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Showing posts from August, 2019

BLOG16- Thinking

Thinking  Lately I’ve been going to the bars alone texting on my phone Lately I’ve been away and far from home going throw my texts All I want to do is drink myself and then sleep past ten You're the only one I want to see and I don’t want to be your ex I’ve been looking for another timeline so I could shine But I am only drinking till I can’t see the light Girl you knew you were my sight but you were just a fake I am just needy with time, but you needed your own space So you tore me up and you didn’t leave a trace And I know I feel the regret when I see your face And you want me but you are on to the next race You left me bleeding and the case was never erased  I always took you for a wife and my life was better But you never felt that way that’s why the ties were severed They say relationships sink in the harbor or whatever But what about the wine we drank together like a river I'm left with only letters and a big pressure You left...

BLOG15- Loaded Gun

Loaded Gun  I have been shamed I have been embarrassed and out of faith  I cannot tell you my name but I did some mistakes I don’t embrace  For years I have been in recovery and living like a disgrace  It is my story of fait in a place but I’ve vanished without a trace  I want to share some details of my hopeless case and my misfits   How I was an addict and how I ended the conflict that existed   How I turned to god with prayers that was not neglected  But my mind got consumed and I was acting like an infant  I was an addict in medical school and things happened to soon  I still didn’t graduate but I got consumed to the moon I was never a drinker I was never sinking but they love to presume  I was only a kid and not even ready to reproduce  I was in medical but I was starting to act like a loon I graduated but I looked myself in my small room I started to abuse myself an...