The principle of Indie marketing is to promote/sponsor your own independent project, whether it was a game, a film, or even a website you have made, or any project for that fact. There are a big number of websites on the Internet that can market your project and help you develop marketing of your project further, such as IndieMarketing . This website will help your project (whatever it may be) in order for it to get of the ground and to have a good jump-start, to be successful and known. No project ever got marketed with out some Benjamin’s (money), that’s why websites like indiegogo, gofundme, fundanything, exists to help fund your project. A lot of us have different definitions of marketing; some could go with the old school marketing, and some of us could go with the new school marketing. Old school marketing consists of, word of mouth, radio, personal connections, face time (not the apple app) and emails. As m...