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Showing posts from 2016

BLOG- Indie marketing techniques

The principle of Indie marketing is to promote/sponsor your own independent project, whether it was a game, a film, or even a website you have made, or any project for that fact.  There are a big number of websites on the Internet that can market your project and help you develop marketing of your project further, such as IndieMarketing .   This website will help your project (whatever it may be) in order for it to get of the ground and to have a good jump-start, to be successful and known.  No project ever got marketed with out some Benjamin’s (money), that’s why websites like indiegogo, gofundme, fundanything, exists to help fund your project.  A lot of us have different definitions of marketing; some could go with the old school marketing, and some of us could go with the new school marketing.  Old school marketing consists of, word of mouth, radio, personal connections, face time (not the apple app) and emails.  As m...


Blood brother is such an inspiring story and an eye-opening documentary/docudrama, what even makes it sadder, that it’s real. The docudrama captures the suffering and the agony of the villagers, who live with AIDS and deal with it on a day today basis, and how so many people don’t know about the situation there, but it’s a really a beautiful film about the power of love.   Its about 'Rocky Braat' a young man with a broken life and who is lost, who went in search of something significant to his life and came across his calling in India, at a children's orphanage for children with AID's, which he made his life’s mission to tack care of them.  Promoting a docudrama like blood brothers is not easy throw social media, but getting peoples attention to it is hard, that’s why one of the key factors for it to prosper throw social media is word of mouth.  Initially it will start of as an electronic word of mouth and then people will want to talk about it o...

BLOG- Copyright

Copyright is essential to a person work/artwork, like food is important for us to live.  Its one of the fundamentals that has to be available when the work comes out, if there is no copyright on the work, then it can get lost and someone’s else can take it, and benefit from it. Copyright is not there to just protect the person/artist work for someone else’s not to steal it and put his or her name on it, it’s a protection for someone’s creativity, it secure the work once its out for the public or even done for that matter. “Importantly, copyright protects the way an idea is expressed. It does not protect ideas. Nor does it protect concepts, styles, techniques or information.  For example, if you write an outline of your idea for a TV show, the written text will be protected by copyright as a literary work and, generally, someone wanting to reproduce the text would need your permission. However, someone else could write their own script, using your ideas, wit...

BLOG- world of tomorrow (film)

The short film explains an idea and ideas that already exists; the human race is cloning one anther therefore the human race can survive future wars and epidemics and hunger (it is a way of achieving immortality).  A lot of sci-fi films speak about this idea of time traveling and people contacting people form the distant future, for example total recall 2014 and terminator 2 and star trek, where they teleports the ship crew from the ship to earth and vise versa, and there is many more.  The idea has been around since a long time, for instance that book that came out in 1895 called the time machine; it was influential for the public in bringing forward the idea of time travel to the people imagination.  The movie spoke about concepts that already exists and some are even used today, for instance when Emily from the 3 rd generation contacted Emily prime by this video monitor or a communication unite, she had told her that I'm you but I'm the clone and you a...