brother is such an inspiring story and an eye-opening documentary/docudrama, what
even makes it sadder, that it’s real. The docudrama captures the suffering and
the agony of the villagers, who live with AIDS and deal with it on a day today
basis, and how so many people don’t know about the situation there, but it’s a really
a beautiful film about the power of love.
Its about 'Rocky Braat' a young man
with a broken life and who is lost, who went in search of something significant
to his life and came across his calling in India, at a children's orphanage for
children with AID's, which he made his life’s mission to tack care of them.
a docudrama like blood brothers is not easy throw social media, but getting
peoples attention to it is hard, that’s why one of the key factors for it to
prosper throw social media is word of mouth.
Initially it will start of as an electronic
word of mouth and then people will want to talk about it outside social media.
As the social media users will mention it throw their status box in Facebook and
twitter, then their friends and there fellow social media users want to talk
about it and comment on their friend’s post and like it, and other will do the
Second social media users will change the banner on their profile on Facebook;
in that way more social media users will notice it and join the movment, when
they visit their profile, but on twitter they can post a link of the docudrama trailer,
and write for instant, “a noble cause worth watching and sharing”, in that way
more and more social media users will notice it, and it will gain more exposure
and social media users will like sharing it throw different social media
platforms and for example throw popular hashtags.
Third creating some products/merchandise
with the name “blood brothers” on it and sell it throw social media, it will
also create some kind of awareness about it and about its cause, for example
the name could be on different products that are used on day to day bases, for
instants, coffee mugs, keychains, t-shirts, bumper stickers, laptop stickers.
could be in different styles, and fonts, and colors, or it could be in a fixed style
with a fixed font and a fixed color.
Forth creating a Charity that will support
the documentary and the cause, and the money raised from the products that is
sold throw social media will go to the AID’S charity and the production of the documentary.
Finally using crowdfunding websites such as, kickstarter, indiegogo, gofundme
and many more.
In conclusion a few steps throw social media that is not very
costly will popularize and promote the documentary and will give it the exposure
that it needs along with the cause, it just needs that little push and the rest
will follow throw.
As I mentioned before 4 steps will promote the documentary/docudrama.
of mouth throw social media.
the picture of the banner in Facebook and by sharing the link throw twitter.
using popular hashtags.
some products/merchandise with the name “blood brothers” on it and sell it
throw social media.
a Charity that will support the documentary and the cause.
crowdfunding websites.
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